EVOLVE! Healing is where we create an evolution, not a revolution, for the Body, Mind & Spirit and in doing so we step up from repeated self-destructive cycles that keep us bumping into the old, outdated versions of ourselves.
Ready to Step Up to meet your true self; This is where it all begins!
After an initial consultation, where we work through your personal self-evaluation questionnaire and you get to experience a session of The LifeLine Technique (maybe for your first time), ongoing sessions will be tailored to your diverse individual healing journey. Discounts are offered for anyone committed to Full Immersion within a modality that resonates with their preferred style of sub conscious emotional healing. Each session is unique.
When choosing to book sessions with me online from the comfort of your own environment, or in person face to face, the capacity to experience shifts within your energetic field are aligned with the highest vibration and are equally perfect and transformative. A large proportion of my clients are regional, interstate, or international which means you have a greater opportunity to experience sessions with me regardless of your location. I will work with you to meet your time zone requirements accordingly and my current location is Melbourne, Australia.
The honour of being a certified practitioner for those on their healing journey is for me a Heart-Wide-Open process. Holding a safe space for any person who is open, ready, and willing to explore pathways of transformational change for their body, life or relationships is my passion. I trust that YOU are your greatest healer and am inspired by the courage of the human spirit when we bravely take action to own our personal power and our natural capacity to thrive. The LifeLine Technique® and Breathwork Rebirthing are my favourite healing modalities to explore the subconscious mind, process emotions and awaken heart-based desires that have been waiting for us to play the game of life consciously, on purpose and with authenticity.
“Mask Off & Game On!”
The Lifeline Technique®
The Lifeline Technique®
Is An Integrative Therapeutic System Developed By Dr. Darren Weissman.
Human Behaviour And Biology Is Transformed By Processing Emotions Buried Within The Subconscious Mind.
Sessions Are Content Free. You Are Not The Story You Have Been Telling Yourself.
You Are Pure Love.
There Is A Quantum Field
That Connects All Of Creation.
Everything Is Energy.
We Are One.
Infinite Love And Gratitude.
Dr. Darren R. Weissman, D.C. is a Chiropractic Holistic Physician, Developer of The LifeLine Technique® and Author.
The LifeLine Technique® in an experience of healing that incorporates 16 healing modalities. Using the LifeLine Technique flowchart, I will guide you through a 16-step process in which emotions buried within the sub conscious mind are identified and intentionally harmonised with infinite love and gratitude.
Importantly, all sessions are content free, which means you do not need to disclose personal and private information to me as your practitioner. This is specifically appealing for those of you who want to get to the root cause of symptoms and stress (emotions buried within the subconscious mind) without spending your time re-telling a “story”. For many of my clients this is a key point of difference from working with other therapists and why they value the succinct nature of a LifeLine Technique session.
Each session is unique.
How I communicate with the sub conscious mind is through a simple bent arm Muscle Reflex Test (MRT). During in-person sessions this is done with you, and for online or remote sessions I will surrogate the MRT to assess & bridge the GAP between the conscious and reactive mind. Always guided by muscle reflex testing, the session will be determined by the MRT response.
We will explore and move through the subtle, acute, and chronic maladaptive stress responses that your body and life has been expressing to you. Building a clearer understanding of your past, present and future self helps appreciate the unusual gifts that life brings. Creating new neural network pathways in this way is a game changer. The mind really does matter.
As your practitioner, I am with you every step of the way doing this process with you, not to you. We are one field of energy as I support you to access your heart’s desire, setting a clear intention for your trueself.
Light, Clean, Clear & Expansive are often the way my clients describe how they feel after a LifeLine Session.
Please allow 90 minutes for a LifeLine Technique session, as there are many portals to explore.
As a Certified LifeLine Technique Practitioner, I honour and pay respects to my teacher, mentor, and friend Dr. Darren Weissman. Infinite Love and Gratitude.
Breathwork Rebirthing
Breathwork Rebirthing Is Conscious Connected Breathing. An Ancient Technique In Which The Breath Is Used To Move Energy Through The Body.
An Hour Cycle Of Relaxed Circular Breathing In Which The Inhale And The Exhale Are In Continual Flow. The Inhale Is Active. The Exhale Is A Surrender To Gravity.
Each Breath Unique.
Each Experience One Of Energy In Motion.
The breath is a powerful and gentle life-force energy that when harnessed in a conscious way allows for energy to move through the body. The body speaks the mind and unprocessed emotion and cellular memory stored within the body can be accessed and released within a Breathwork session.
No one breath is the same. No one Breathwork session is alike. We are infinite beings having a human experience and the wonder of the breath is where it will take us when we consciously become of aware of its ability to heal.
Traversing the inner landscape of your internal body, the breath is your personal and sacred healing chi’ medicine.
Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Spiritual – in this experience of life the breath can be used to bring peace and healing to aspects of ourselves where we have held on for so long. The breath helps us release, let go and re-align. It’s quite beautiful & empowering really that we have this innate ability to be so strong and vulnerable simultaneously.
As a facilitator of your Breathwork session I will create a safe environment for you to intentionally heal. I will support you to maintain an hour cycle of circular relaxed breathing and hold a space for you as you allow and the breath to take you to where the healing is needed. You will be lying down on your back so the breath can move freely through your body and at times, if required, I may use gently touch to facilitate the transference of energy.
You will be held by me with respect and grace during this intimate surrender.
Please allow 120 minutes for a Breathwork session, as you might like some time to re-ground yourself after the healing. I would recommend a beautiful walk in nature or spending a few moments barefoot on the earth.
As a Breathwork Rebirthing Facilitator, I honour and pay respects to my teachers, mentors, and friends Goddess Diane McCann & Warrior Robert Matthews. Blessed Be & Aho Mitakuye Oyasin.
Sacred Circles
Sacred Circles Are A Beautiful Gift To Self To Honour Your Divinity.
Imagine An Unconditional Hug In Which You Felt Heard, Held And Whole. Lean In Closer. Closer Still. Connection To Others Is Why We Are Here.
In Our Challenges And Triumphs, We Journey On This One Beautiful Planet Together. Be Open To See Yourself Reflected In Another. Be Open To Being That Reflection.
We Are All One.
Welcome To Circle.
Sacred Circles are an opportunity to meet and gather in ceremony.
Trueself Sacred Women’s Circle is your opportunity to meet in a sacred space with other diverse and unique Goddesses. To participate in a circle means that to the best of your ability you are open, free, ready, and willing to be heart-centered, inclusive, respectful, authentic, raw, and real. It means you are prepared to a hold a space for others and have them hold a space for you with gratitude, reverence, and kindness.
This is a very personal place of healing.
It is my desire and intention that you will feel supported and held for the few beautiful hours of connection where you will be witnessed with compassion, love, and silent grace. This is an introspective time of Oneness with whatever may be going on in your body, life, and relationships – yet you are not alone. Each Circle we will draw a Goddess Oracle card that will lead us with focused intent to go inward and learn more of how we can grow, expand, shine our light and self-love on a deeper level in order to remember our truth, beauty and pure love spirit.
The Goddess welcomes her Women.
I’m so grateful you have chosen to come sit a while. Blessed Be! Please allow 90 minutes to be fully present within a Women’s Circle.
Using The LifeLine Technique developed by Dr. Darren Weissman as a quantum tool for healing, transformation and change I will guide a diverse and inclusive group of eager and willing participants through the experience of a collective LifeLine session.
Trueself Healing Circle involves active participation in the process but is content-free in nature.
There is an energy that connects all of creation. Within this experience of life when we come together for healing, we raise the vibration of a Collective Consciousness where we can and do make a difference to the lives of ourselves and others. When we begin to understand our own inner child wounds, & patterns of drama and trauma we can learn to hold a space for others to do the same.
NOW is the time to make your healing intentional.
I’m so grateful you are choosing to show up for yourself. You make a difference. Please allow 90 minutes to be fully present within a Trueself Healing Circle.